Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

Making The Case For The iPhone Plus

After picking up my iPhone X on Friday it was immediately apparent that the new Apple device is not going to be everyones perfect device. Despite sporting a fantastic 5.8” OLED screen, the iPhone X is going to frustrate users of Plus model phones – and there is still a huge case for the iPhone Plus.

The bigger sibling of each model of phone since the iPhone 6 is a love it or hate it device. There was initially a massive sales boost from those that looked at larger screened Android device with envy. Yet as bezels slimmed and handset footprints declined, the Plus was still a hulking great device. Apple gave the Plus a further selling point by upgrading the camera to a duel lens system with the iPhone 7, but adoption still slowed.

Since even before the iPhone 7, rumours have pointed to Apple ridding users of the home button and filling the device with screen. Many users waited with baited breath for Cupertino to deliver this promice. Thought it was another year before they released a redesigned and truly modern iPhone.

Even though the iPhone X is a truly great handset, there is still a massive case for users to buy a Plus model iPhone instead. Infact, bar the OIS fitted to the zoom lens, the iPhone 8 Plus is pretty much the same as the much more expensive iPhone X. Users that previously used a Plus device stand to miss out on a much wider and spaced out keyboard, and many landscape features.

Compared to its regular sized sibling, the usable screen size is much taller – but compared to the Plus model many users are going to be disappointed. It goes without saying that the taller aspect ratio is easier to hold but at the cost of a much larger typing space on the keyboard and well spaced out websites and apps.

There is no denying the Plus model phones are huge when compared to most modern handsets. However Apples insistence on using a wider screen won its self millions of fans. Unfortunately hanging onto a dated design a little too long may have lots it many more.

The iPhone. X is a brilliant mix of modern design, bigger screen and smaller bezels – but there is still a massive argument for using an iPhone 8 Plus. Don’t be swayed by marketing and Social Media hype. The iPhone Plus may just be better suited to you.

Find out more of my thoughts on the iPhone X in BYOD 26.

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