Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

How To Use Rodecaster Pro Multi Track With Audio Hijack

It has only been a few days since Rode updated its Rodecaster Pro to utilise Muti track but it has already proved to be a brilliant upgrade. The ability to output upto 14 tracks simultaneously for post editing is quite frankly a ridiculous feat, but may take a little time to get your head around.

Here’s how to take advantage of the update and record using Audio Hijack – which is my podcast recording software of choice.

Understand The Update

The 1.1.0 update is pretty easy to install, but might take a little while to understand what exactly has been changed. Once the update is completed, disconnect and reconnect the USB-C cable to allow your computer to recognise a new connected device. Your Mac will now register two devices instead of one. RodeCaster Pro Stereo and also RodeCaster Pro Multitrack.

The connected USB-C cable now outputs 14 separate audio tracks to your Mac which apps such as Audio Hijack can record individually or mix together. The below image shows you the channel numbers for each output.

Set Up Audio Hijack

To get started and understand what is going on the best way may be to start with a blank session, just to make sure you don’t alter any bespoke sessions you already have set up. Drag in an input device block, double click on the block and you will notice the RodeCaster Pro Multitrack device in the menu. Once you select this, more options will appear when you uncover the advanced tab underneath.

These are numbered 1 to 14 according to the layout detailed above. You keep a stereo output of the ‘master track’ (1&2) but also mono outputs for Mic 1 (3), 2 (4), 3 (5) and 4 (6), as well as stereo for the USB input (7&8), TRRS phone connector (9&10), Bluetooth input (11&12), and also the sound pads (13&14).

A drop down menu under the left and right channels will unveil all of the available tracks, which you can select to your desired outcome. In my set up underneath I record over Skype with just one other person, meaning my set up is pretty straight forward. However now that 14 tracks are available you can create something really unique to your podcast.

Create Your Set Up

Your usecase will vary, but in my session for BYOD shown below I have my microphone connected to input 1 (track 3) and also the Skype audio (track 7) going into one input block. This then splits into two duplicate blocks, so I can record two separate mp3 files of just my audio and just Nati separately.

In between the duplicate block and the recorder I also have a meter block, just so I can check audio is being recorded correctly, and then into my audio recorder I also have the sound board (track 13) recored to grab any sound I play into the episode.

I could of course make this much more complicated, and record each individual block, or turn things on and off as I wish, however I like a much more simple set up that can be added onto if desired. This software update has already made my editing much easier and allows me to spend much less time worrying about recording.

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