Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

How Much Money Do Podcasters Make? | Jack Rhysider

Jack Rhysider wrote:

Some numbers. Libsyn is one of the largest podcast hosts and they put out numbers on what the average size shows are.

  • 7.1% of podcasts get 5,000 downloads per episode
  • 2% of podcasts get 20,000 downloads per episode
  • 1% of poddcasts get 37,000 downloads per episode

This is important to remember when whetting a podcast. I am now several years deep into podcasting and have never made a thing. I’m not sure if I every want to, but I thought I would when I first started.

Although Podcasting is now in its boom time, the shows that people listen to is extremely limited and advertisers are hard to come by.

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