Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

Today is the day I quit the iPad

Not clickbate. It’s been a great five years, I have tried really hard to carry on as long as possible but iOS 13 has made me realise I cant continue any longer. I’m afraid friends, today was the day the end finally arrived, I’ve ditched an iPad altogether.

During my time working on the iPad I always needed a Mac around to podcast and edit things properly – you know do real work. It was pretty few and far between and during this time the iPad got better and better. Adding in a better keyboard, a pencil to write and draw as well as constantly improving the OS. My reliance on Shortcuts (then Workflow) and third party apps started to dwindle and iOS become a powerhouse – at least for a while.

Then iOS13 arrived. I cant point to one specific event or one particular bug, but iOS13 has been like death by a million paper cuts. Spending 15 minutes this morning trying to put an image into an Apple note may be the straw that broke the camels back, however the past few weeks and months have been a nightmare. Apple Notes takes an age to sync to my iPad, apps randomly crash or only partly work and I just cant take it any more.

This is all after spending weeks getting my head around the new multitasking and app pairing because they changed the way the iPad worked AGAIN. I feel like I’m splitting up with my long term partner now they have their stuff sorted and I’ve realised it wasn’t worth the pain after all. Load of people are now using the iPad like I have been doing for the past 5 years but I cant any longer.

The iPad lost its way somewhere in the last year or so and become a device that isn’t fit for me any more. I am betraying my roots and going back to the Mac, I’ve ordered a MacBook Air and my iPad is all boxed up ready to sell.

Goodbye old friend.

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