Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

Importing Apple Notes Into Bear

I have been using Bear notes for years now, it’s by far my favourite app for writing, and goes far beyond a simple notes app. The great thing is it keeps getting better and better without overly complicating things and becoming hard to use – not to mention it looks gorgeous.

The recent update to Version 1.7.8 brings in some improvements to tag icons but also an automated way to import your Apple Notes. This is something that has been lacking, not due to the developers, but to Apple’s locked down approach to notes, unlike importing from other apps which has existed for quite awhile.

This is a bit of a workaround, and unfortunately you can only do this process on Mac.

Mac: use our Automator Workflow

Download our Automator Workflow  Minimum system requirements: macOS 10.10 Yosemite
We built an Automator Workflow for macOS that can export all your Apple Notes as HTML files. This will include most note contents, but not all. See the breakdown below:

How to use this Automator Workflow

For more information, see the full guide in the Bear FAQ’s

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