Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

Some Small Tips For Working From Home

I have now been working from home on and off for a little over a year. I am no whiz at this and haven’t done much remote work at all. However, I have read no end of guides because I suffered severely with procrastination and also had a considerable tendency to work too much. This sounds great at first because I am getting things done, but quickly turned into the fact that I was always working.

Separate things

Sounds easy, but can be super tricky depending on your home. You don’t need to have a large house, but you need to set aside some space for working. If you’ve got a spare bedroom or desk in a room not used regularly, you’re all set. However, you could also set aside virtual space if regular space is at a premium.

For example, you can work at your kitchen table, but when you’re not working, make sure all your stuff is away—laptop or computer out of sight and any desk things out the way. You begin to separate work and home time because your things are away, so it’s no longer work time.

Plan Your Time Better

When you’re in a working environment or an office is pretty easy to work on things because everyone around you should be working also. However, at home, two things can happen.

You don’t work enough – you get distracted but all the things in your home and neglect the work you should be doing.

You work too much – your home becomes your office, so you think you should always be working.

Both of these things are bad for your business and your mind. Block out periods in the day and take regular breaks. Working from home makes it easy  to do other things like workout or play computer games. You don’t have to work 9–5 – but make sure you still do the hours you’re expected to do.

I do this in a separate iCloud calendar and work to a strict Todoist plan of attack achieving certain things at certain times. I quite often plan this on a Sunday evening for the following work. Doesn’t mean it’s rigid, but its a frame to start with.

Be Comfortable

Don’t work at your kitchen table if it’s going to hurt your back. Not everyone has a desk and office chair to sit in, but do the best you can. Pillows and cushions are a useful tool for making you sit better, including supporting your lower back or raising your feet.

Become conscious of the way you are sitting and the type of work you are doing, and make changes if required. You can do yourself long term injury of you don’t pay attention.

Working from home should give you much more flexibility, depending on your companies outlook, but can cause some stress if you don’t plan well. Hopefully more people can start ditching the normal 9–5 grind.

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