Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

He Might Regret Writing That

I think I hate the internet. I mean it’s great as an idea, and all the things we can do with it are fantastic. As with everything it is the humans that access it that spoil everything. With great communication tools, comes a great influx of idiots, many that think their opinion, however toxic, should be shoved in peoples faces if they like it or not.

Matt Birchler published a few graphs (not sure if made with Charty) around COVID cases in the US a few days ago. It was a great post, very insightful and well thought out, yet the first thought I had when reading it was “I bet he’ll regret writing that”. I expected the reply guys to pile in on mass and argue about it.

There are numerous times I have had an idea for a post and not written it because I simply can’t be doing with people tweeting back at me. I am all up for debate, but Twitter especially seems to stimulate a certain type of ‘person’. I say person but I think some are bots, or fake accounts, and have some kind of usage beyond just annoying people. However some of this is people, people that I used to respect.

The replies to this post were not too bad, but Matt wrote the next day about his struggles with fools online. Receiving death threats because of comparisons between Pixel and iPhone cameras is wildly insane, but shouldn’t stop me from writing anything. I might regret writing a post, but I do experience regret at not writing things often.

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