Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

Taking Matts Lead: Finding New Free Ways To Solve Problems

After touching on the subject in last weeks newsletter, I am inspired by Matt Birchler (once again) to push into finding free apps to replace subscriptions. His new productivity goals have this pegged as number one and I think it’s really important to think about doing the same.

Monthly or yearly subscriptions are great, they support development of apps a services and make sure they receive the money that they deserve. There are more than few I could not live without, Ulysses and Hey to name two of my favourite. However it is really easy to get carried away and just pony up for an app that offers little value or simply because everyone else uses it.

I am a huge believer it not relying on yet another app to make you more productive, you will simply spend more time moving and learning the app than getting things done, and use it as an excuse to procrastinate more. As Matt says in his post “Saving money and reminding myself another tool will not solve my problems” is the right approach to take.

I have recently moved back to using many stock apps instead of renewing subscriptions and in times like these it has saved me quite a bit of money. It also improves internal motivation to get things done, it is me that can get things done not the app. Use whatever it is you have to hand, a pen and paper are often the best tools to use and it might even help you detach from your smartphone or computer for a little while.

I’d love to know more free alternatives you have been using to help you get things done. It doesn’t have to be a task manager or email app. What is a job you used to get done by paying money and have now found a system that is free (or next to free)? Get in touch, because I would love to share tips and tricks to others that could benefit from new ideas.

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I’m proud to be running the Manchester Marathon in 2025 to raise funds for Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Every donation makes a huge difference!

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