Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

Newsletter vs Blogging

After reading Jeff Perry recent change of heart regarding running a newsletter it really got me thinking about publishing. Whilst I agree wholeheartedly that publishing your work should be as easily available as possible there is just something about writing a newsletter that isn’t the same as a blog post.

Could it be the way I write my blog posts? Perhaps it’s the more personal touch of popping my thoughts into something that appears in your inbox — I’m not really to sure — but I could never stop writing this. I am pleased with the mix I have between reviewing phones and posting tech things, and then sharing short, completely ad-hoc thoughts in a more personal way. I never thought I would get as many readers as I do (I only check subscribers before I send the latest edition, there’s no tracking in my emails) and I am still surprised when people sign up!

Although there are many paid for newsletters that make a huge splash in niche industries or offer a unique personality, you have to earn the right to ask for money first in most instances. Sub-stack is not the best place for sharing your thoughts and ideas, it is a weird hybrid of newsletter and blog that putts too many hurdles in the way of reading in my honest opinion — perhaps Jeff would have been better doing it on Ghost? Who knows, but Jeff is awesome guy and is posting on Tablethabbit.comagain.

🏃‍♂️ I'm Running the Manchester Marathon!

I’m proud to be running the Manchester Marathon in 2025 to raise funds for Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Every donation makes a huge difference!

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