Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

No Replacement For Organisation

Gaby on another ducking task manager

Bringing a lot of stress, things not being as organized, many little tasks within projects falling through the cracks. Because of it, I had realized that I needed to fix my system. I don’t want things to fall though, I don’t want to rely on my mental notes, “Oh I’ll remember that later” or “I will make a note of it later”. I am very forgetful, and more so now that I’ve got lots on my plate.

Every so often my busy life calms down a bit and I stop using Todoist and slope back to reminders or sometimes nothing at all. It’s at this point I start forgetting things and not getting all of those things out of my brain.

There really is no replacement for getting into a good task management system but many people look to apps rather than themselves. A new app rarely changes things for a long period of time unless you build a robust system too. But it certainly helps to get you started!

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