Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

How To Publish To With iOS Shortcuts

My blog is currently hosted on the excellent service. I could go on about why I chose this place to host, but my thoughts are summed up on my post here. It suits me perfectly because I publish everything to one place, from short ‘tweets’ to photos and also all of my writing. Due to this ease of posting I do most of it mobile from iOS with the help of some Shortcuts.


Pictures are pretty easy to handle on If you want to post one image with some accompanying text there are a range of apps to use, including the very Instragram-esc Sunlit. Meaning you can post whatever you want wherever you want.

If you are writing a longer post and want to put some accompanying images in it, this simple Shortcut has you covered. It will upload the image to your uploads section and then copy the link to the image directly to your clipboard ready to paste into your writing.

Get It Here

All you will need to do is attain a app token by going to Account settings and scrolling to the bottom and clicking App Tokens or clicking here.


No good posting something without any text. For Shorter ‘tweets’ a range of apps are available to making posting easier, however if you really want to speed things up this simple Shortcut for iOS will ask for your post and then…post it.

For longer posts with a title this simple shortcut will help you out. Simply highlight the text you want to post and share it it the Shortcut, it presumes you are writing in markdown and will remove Title formatting for you and use this as the post Title.

Get It Here

All you will need to do is attain a app token by going to Account settings and scrolling to the bottom and clicking App Tokens or clicking here. This posting really is one touch. There is no facility to add in categories (I may work on this later) but I use filters very heavily so these are well worth looking into.

Note: These currently do not work on iOS15!

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