Have you ever wanted to choose between two quality pocket notebooks, but were unsure of which one to go with? Moleskine Cahier and Field Notes are some of the best notebooks in the market, but which one should you go for? In this blog post, I will go through all the details, so you can make an informed decision when it comes to Moleskine vs Field Notes.
Both Moleskine and Field Notes are great choices when it comes to notebooks, and they are some of the most popular options out there. They have their similarities, such as their well-made nature, as well as their differences. Moleskine offers a wide variety of sizes, while Field Notes only makes pocket-sized notebooks. Moleskine’s covers come in hard, soft, and cardboard, and it has a few types of paper, whereas Field Notes has only one type of cover and different types of paper.
When it comes to size, Moleskine offers many more size options and is the better choice for those looking for larger notebooks. We use may of them here in our writing cave. Moleskin do sell a small version Cashier, which most people compare to Field Notes. The single, pocket-size option, is perfect for those who need something to fit in their pocket.
As for covers, Moleskine offers three main cover options: hard, soft, and cardboard. These are usually sold in block, but particularly with the pocket sized version they do come in blue and a cardboard style brown. If you forget about special editions, Field Notes offers only one basic cover, a light brown cardboard cover similar to a brown paper bag. For a little more money, you can buy Field Notes with in special edition covers, which is what most people really value in the brand.
Both brands have great paper quality and work perfectly with ballpoint pens and pencils, although Moleskine’s paper is a bit yellow and Field Notes' more white.
If you’re looking for something with more variety, Moleskine is the right choice for you. But if you need something that’s small and flexible, Field Notes is your best option. So, when it comes to choosing between Moleskine and Field Notes, it all comes down to what you require in a notebook and what both companies can offer you. Consider the size, covers, and paper types to find out which one suits your needs the best.
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