I’ve always liked the idea of a digital garden, even tried to set one up a few times, but never really managed to make one stick. Well, perhaps that’s not strictly true, I do have one in Apple notes, but it’s not a published one.
The appeal comes from my note-taking itself. I write them obsessively, about anything and everything. They evolve all the time. Get overwritten, rewritten and added too as much as new ones sprout up, and that is perhaps what I would like my blog to be.
Blog posts are often seen as rigid things. An unmoving line in the dirt of what we think and the things we believe in. Whereas, much like my note-taking, the thoughts, and motivations for them evolve and change. They age just like the rest of our thoughts. The things we write and publish online should not be thought of as rigid things. Instead of being pushed out to the world at one point, they should be allowed to change over time.
This style of note-taking is typically referred to as Evergreen notes by those that like to tend their online digital gardens. They fluctuate far more than your traditional blog posts, and can offer much more in return. Blog posts, however, are the opposite. Deciduous, if you will. Sure, you can go back and update blog posts or link to new ones, but they are typically just left to stagnate. Left as a reflection of one point in time. Barely revisited. Wilting away. Which kind of makes me sad.
🏃♂️ I'm Running the Manchester Marathon!
I’m proud to be running the Manchester Marathon in 2025 to raise funds for Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Every donation makes a huge difference!
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