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Zuckerberg Opening Up

Karissa Bell for Engadget:

Zuckerberg then launched into a lengthy rant about his frustrations with “closed” ecosystems like Apple’s App Store. None of that is particularly new, as the Meta founder has been feuding with Apple for years. But then Zuckerberg, who is usually quite controlled in his public appearances, revealed just how frustrated he is, telling Huang that his reaction to being told “no” is “fuck that.”

I’m conflicted when Zuckerberg says anything that I agree with. On the one hand, it is great news for the web. Zuckerberg hates closed platforms and is working to open up Threads to the open web, yet I can’t shake the thought that most of this is simple theatre.

Of course, Zuck hates Apple’s closed system…because he wants access to all the date from users. It’s not his good nature that leads him to open up Threads, it is the fact that it helps with all the things that Facebook is criticised for. He can simply point to the fact that users are free to move, and then continue to do what he wants on ‘his’ platform.

But there’s this little part of me that wants to believe. That after years of “oh we didn’t mean to do that” when they break things, Meta is becoming a good-natured company.

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