Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

There’s Both Too Much And Not Enough Attention

Charlie Warzel writing about his toilet theory of the internet:

I have precious little time to hook a reader with whatever I’m trying to get them to read—but also that my imagined audience of undistracted, fully engaged readers is an idealized one.

It says a lot that someone as great at writing as Charlie makes statements like this. How on earth do people like myself, that suck at this, stand a chance?

The truth is, there’s not a lot we can do about it. There’s a tendency to point at others and say “they can’t concentrate anymore” when the epidemic is whining ourselves too.

I’ve had to work really hard to get my attention span back after years of letting it be stolen from me and I can’t be the only one. However, this gave me a new appreciation of where both my writing and my designs need to go.

When everyone out there is screaming for attention, it’s nearly impossible to be noticed, but there will be people out there paying attention. Keep on doing the things you enjoy.

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