Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

Brokenness Is Awesome

Cory Dransfeldt loving the fact that Social media’s broken:

Find your space and don’t feel obligated to participate in any of it.

Like Cory, I have my website (I check in on the social bits of sometimes although I wish I could turn it off) I have too many books to read, and I have a nice place to sit and read them.

In spite of of all the really great people I have met online I just can’t be bothered with the discourse any more. There is very little point in me spreading my words anywhere outside my own website (and activitypub things attached) so I don’t bother.

I cant thank the ‘world’s dullest edge lord’ enough for breaking Twitter. For infecting the world with his horribleness in the pursuit of his self indulgent version of free speech. I am forever put off being online because social media is broken, and it’s the best thing for us all.

I have no BlueSky, No Threads, and I’ll have none of whatever else is cool these days. Just me. At Greg Morris do co dot UK, and that, my friends is awesome.

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