I wasn’t aware of of Pika Pulse until the announcement of it shutting down recently. It sounds like a fantastic feature, and the developers of Pika seem like excellent people. For the past week or so I’ve been thinking about recommendations due to my work on Micro Social and including micro.blogs Discover feeds. There’s lots I want to do with it, but there’s always ethical things to consider.
Once you start to use the word recommended, or any simile, you get bogged down. There’s a responsibility of recommending, sharing or pointing towards something that we wall expect. If an influencers tells you a product is good, you expect it too be good. If a blog post appears on a recommended feed, you expect it to be a good read or at the very least represent whoever recommended it.
Technology companies know this more than most. Twitter (not x) used their Verification badge as a sudo support of threat they user was tweeting. Meta too got themselves into hot water recommending news articles and feeds.
There shouldn’t be this guarantee to standards with recommendation but there is. As a society we expect people to stand by their words and their actions and that’s a good thing. If I tell you my blog is good, and then you read it, you won’t trust me again!
I thought long and hard about the recommended book section in Micro Social, deciding to include it because it’s built from the community at large, and I have nothing to do with. But if people start getting rubbish reviews they won’t trust it very long — but that’s just the problem with recommendations.
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