Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

The Imposter

As you might already know, I’m developing an iOS app for It happened quite accidentally, really. I initially created a basic app for myself, which I used for a while, gradually adding features until it became something I thought others would enjoy. Now, it’s at a stage where I could take action, but I feel so much like an imposter that I can’t bring myself to do it.

I believe we all experience imposter syndrome at some point in our lives, and right now, it’s really holding me back. That little voice in my head keeps telling me that I’ll just let everyone down. Once other people start using it, they’ll realise how terrible it is and be angry. There will be a massive bug in it that I can’t fix, creating so much stress that any enjoyment I got from making it will be lost.

Sounds fun, doesn’t it? In other aspects of my life, I can usually tell this horrible little voice to shut up. But the reality is, I know nothing about this world of software development. I only started learning a little over a year ago and developed this app completely accidentally. So in some ways I feel as if the voice has a point. Sure I can write some code and design interfaces, but I can barely understand some of the developer documentation. I’m actually dreading trying to get notifications to work!

All of these words are to say that sometimes the biggest hurdle is yourself - and I’m really getting in my way at the moment.

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