Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

Feed Worries

Yes. Unless you can’t tell I have moved my blog, again. It’s now firmly rooted into, and I’d like to say it’s made me happier. But you know me, I worry about almost everything at the minute and one of the biggest things I think abut is you!

Yep, you read that correctly. Readers. I can’t quite achieve where I want to get to with my hosting, but I can get 90% of the way there. Links should be forwarded to the correct URL and the consumption of posts should be almost the same. The only thing I can’t fix is the RSS feed, it’s going to contain all posts, not just the important ones as before and of course I worry about that.

I want people to still follow me as before for whatever they want to read, but I am sure most people don’t want to have my random ramblings pushed to them all the time. I’ve sorted the main page to only contain important posts, but RSS subscribers might get a bit fed up.

When in reality I don’t owe anyone anything, and I really shouldn’t be bothered. I have never made any money out of this, and I am certain if people want to follow along they will find the correct feed in time. Any new subscribers will be pointed toward this too, but little things like that always drive me nuts! Anyone know how to limit a Hugo RSS feed to a category? Because I can’t work it out!

Meanwhile I have ‘switched off’ the posts to the main feed in the hope I don’t annoy anyone. I’m sure I won’t, but if I do, let me know, and I’ll worry about it a bit more — or you can just put up with my ramblings.

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I’m proud to be running the Manchester Marathon in 2025 to raise funds for Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Every donation makes a huge difference!

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