Greg Morris

Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

Trying To Write

I think I get it now. I’ve been asked for years how I manage to write a lot, and I just shrug and think it’s not so hard. Even though my blogging does come and go I manage to have plenty of ideas and publish posts, but not at the moment.

At the minute I feel as if I am blocked from ideas. I feel as if inspiration doesn’t like me, or my brain is now broken. I’ve tried to push through this a few times, just sit in the chair and write something but I end up messing around on social media. Frustrating as it is, at least I don’t have to post - I just enjoy when I do.

I will just keep posting things I find and making short posts waiting for something to strike. For an idea that lasts long enough for post to be written or my motivation improves.

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