Designer, Pretend Photographer, Dad

About Me

đź‘‹ Hello Friends

I am sure you have gathered by now that my name is Greg and I this is my blog. I’ve never liked talking, or writing, about myself, but I am a technology obsessed writer and photographer from rural England.

By day, I am a designer and business digital development lead for a small insurance company specialising in niche cover. I spent many years developing disability focused policies and helping a wide selection of companies improve their physical accessibility and digital offerings to those that require a bit more help. At the moment I am studying for qualifications in front end, hence the constant changes in my website / blog / whatever this thing is.

More than all of these work things though, I am the father to two wonderful children, one of which has complex needs and requires full-time care. I enjoy nothing more than spending time with my family and Cockerpoo Charlie.

This site contains many of the blog post I have written over more a decade online. At first trying to make something of myself and become a full-time technology journalist, but now just for myself and to keep in touch with people. I enjoy sharing my thoughts, updating posts on what me and my family are up to, and joining in on conversations.

I do not have a huge presence online anymore because I do not feel the need to join every social network going. So your only option is to subscribe to my RSS feed or any activity enabled service at ``